Structural Geology
Structural geology is the basis for many mining, mineral exploration, infrastructure and rock engineering projects. As such, understanding structure allows for informed decision making and leads to a reduction in risk and expenditures on projects.
Structural site characterization is a fundamental input into many mining (both open pit and underground) and rock engineering projects. Terrane has worked on a wide range of projects, both domestic and international for mines, mineral exploration, utilities, transportation departments, and developers. We bring this wealth of experience to our client’s projects.
Key services:
- Structural mapping, site assessment, and 3D modelling
- Structural controls and geometry of mineral deposits
- Oriented core logging and interpretation
- Optical and acoustic televiewer interpretation
- 3D structural geology modelling in support of resource estimation
- Fault models as an input to the geotechnical model for open pit and underground mine design
- Using UAVs for advanced structural mapping of exploration sites and open pit mines
- Airborne LiDAR and geophysical interpretation