Contact us

Nova Scotia

2089 Maitland Street
Halifax, NS
B3K 2Z8

New Brunswick

Suite 207 – 390 King St.
Fredericton, NB
E3B 1E3

British Columbia

Kelowna, BC


Saguenay, Qc

  • We have done several projects with Terrane in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Tony and the rest of the staff are great to work with and provide excellent knowledge and cutting-edge technology. I would highly recommend them.

    Gavin Isenor
    Dexter Construction
  • The representatives of Terrane Geoscience are a joy to work with. They are very professional and accommodating.

    La-Keisha Wilmott
    Morton Bahamas Limited
  • They were dilligent in their observations and interesting and insightful geological discussions as well as a clearer understanding of our targets are a direct result of their work.

    Marcus Adam
    Seabridge Gold