Josh Taningco

Junior Geological Engineer

Josh Taningco, EIT, is a geological engineer-in-training with extensive experience in geomechanical core logging, hydrogeological testing, and subsurface investigations (soils logging and sampling). He also has experience in geological logging and mapping, televiewer surveying, drone surveying, and geotechnical data analysis. Mr. Taningco has over 5 years of experience working in environments varying from mineral exploration and mining to geotechnical engineering with a focus on rock mechanics.

Experience Highlights

Geomechanical and geological logging, field mappings, soils logging, televiewer surveys
Monitoring well and vibrating wire piezometer installations, and hydrogeological testing
Geomechanical data analysis and reporting
Training of technical staff for field operations
Certified drone pilot for aerial surveys and photogrammetry analyses

Professional Associations

Engineer-in-Training with Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia
Engineer-in-Training with Engineers Nova Scotia


Bachelor of Applied Science, Geological Engineering, with Distinction – University of British Columbia (2016).
Engineering First-Year Certificate – Kwantlen Polytechnic University (2013)