Carol-Anne Généreux

Senior Structural Geologist

Carol-Anne Généreux is a mapper and structural geologist. Her Ph.D. dissertation focused on a holistic study the southern Sudbury Impact Structure, which included regional mapping, structural analysis, breccia characterization, and detailed mapping of PGE mineralized showings. Ms. Genereux has worked as a mapper for the Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office (CNGO) on Baffin Island and as a production and exploration geologist in Red Lake and other parts of Northern Ontario and Québec. In addition, Ms. Généreux is a registered professional geoscientist with the Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (PGO) and L’Ordre des géologues du Québec (OGQ).

Experience Highlights 

  • Bedrock geological and structural mapping
  • Underground mapping and grade control
  • Designing and implementing drilling programs
  • Oriented drill core
  • 3D geological modelling

Professional Associations
P.Geo (ON, QC)

B.Sc. Earth & Planetary Sciences, McGill University, Ph.D. Mineral Deposits & Precambrian Geology, Laurentian University.


Généreux, C.-A., Lafrance, B., Tinkham, D.K., Gordon, C.A. and Simard, R.L., 2024. Transpression or polyphase deformation along craton margins: Insights from the archean-proterozoic boundary near Sudbury, Canada. Journal of Structural Geology, p.105103.

Généreux, C.-A., Tinkham, D.K., and Lafrance, B. 2021. On the role of shock melting and anatexis in breccia formation: Southern Sudbury impact structure, Canada. Precambrian Research, 363, 106346.

Gordon, C.A, Simard, R-L. and Généreux, C.-A. 2018. Precambrian geology of Drury Township, southwest Sudbury Structure. Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.3823, scale 1:15 000. 

Gordon, C.A., Simard, R-L. and Généreux, C.-A. 2018. Precambrian geology of Drury Township, southwest Sudbury Structure: Explanatory notes for Preliminary Map P.3823. Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6346, 49p.