Stefan Kruse

Principal Structural Geologist

Stefan Kruse, Ph.D., P.Geo, co-founder of Terrane Geoscience, is a structural geologist specializing in structural controls on mineralization, from the prospect to belt scale. His Ph.D., dissertation focused on polyphase deformation and tectonic evolution in the Canadian Cordillera. Based on this work he was awarded the Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal award and GAC Structure and Tectonics division Best PhD award. Additionally, Dr. Kruse is a former lecturer and current Honorary Research Associate of structural geology and rock mechanics at the University New Brunswick.

Experience Highlights

  • Structural and tectonic controls of orogenic and magmatic gold systems
  • Structural characterization of base metal deposit including tectonically modified porphyry, epithermal and VMS systems
  • Structural geological evaluation of infrastructure projects including bridge foundations, dam abutments and nuclear waste repositories
  • Underground and open pit structural characterization for mining optimization and geotechnical purposes

Professional Associations
P.Geo (NB, NL, BC)

B.Sc. Honors, Cum Laude – Geology, University of Ottawa, Ph.D. Geology University of New Brunswick


Sack, P.J., Kruse, S. and Ferraro, D., 2018. Gold occurrences on the Plateau South property (Yukon MINFILE 105N034,035,036),central Yukon In: Yukon Exploration and Geology Overview 2017, K.E. MacFarlane(ed.), Yukon Geological Survey, p. 75-91

Kruse, S. and Williams, P. F. 2007. The Monashee reflection:Re-examination of a Lithoprobe crustal-scale seismic reflection in the southernCanadian Cordillera. Geosphere, v. 3, p. 26–41.

Kuiper, Y.D., Williams, P.F., and Kruse, S. 2006.Possibility of channel flow in the southern Canadian Cordillera; a new approach to explain existing data. In Channel flow, ductile extrusion and exhumation of lower-mid-crust in continental collision zones. Edited by R.D. Law, M.P.Searle, and L. Godin, Geological Society, London, Special Publication v. 268,p. 587 – 609.

Kruse, S. and Williams, P. F. 2005.  Brittle faulting in the Thor–Od in culmination, Monashee complex, southern Canadian Cordillera: constraints on geometry and kinematics. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 42, p.2141−2160.

Kruse, S., McNeil, P. D., and Williams, P. F. 2004.  A geological compilation map of the Thor-Odin dome.

Benn, K., Paterson, S. R., Lund, S. P., Pignotta, G. S., and Kruse, S. 2001.  Magmatic fabrics in batholiths as markers of regional strains and plate kinematics: example of the Cretaceous Mt. Stuart batholith. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, v. 26, p.343–354.